viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Big Mike´s Life (before, after)

Big Mike is a black boy beaten by life, his mother abandoned him, your loved ones were not very kind to him, in fact they were bad influences, Big did not have a place to live. He suffered the scorn of society being discriminated against by the latter. Because the body and size gains access to a good school, but the companions were not aware, haven´t friends, he would sleep in the Laundromat or at the gym of the school, had almost no clothes and almost his life was really bad because it lacked affection, food, love and a family. Almost everyone laughed at him, his life is really cruel.
When Big Mike meets a Leigh Anne Tuohy, his life changes, and this lady gives his home, family, good food and strong support. Leigh Anne saw Big Mike on the road, he would go to sleep in the laundry, Leigh Anne then went with his family in the car, she asks her husband to park the car, and insists Big Mike to sleep at her house. Big Mike accepted and from this moment he begins to change the life of this boy, as this will soon become a member of the Tuohy family. The gesture of kindness this lady was amazing, Big Mike's life was completely different in that he received support, love and understanding of the whole family. He gains access to an excellent university with the support that he gave his family and received a scholarship to play football and his younger brother was later transformed in his coach, becoming a strong family bond.

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010


Immigration is the gateway to a country of people who were born or came from elsewhere. This has always presented many problems, not only in the country of entry but also in the country of origin before their departure.
Many countries are suffering from a major impact due to immigration. This term brings with it a number of advantages and disadvantages that affect and benefit the countries.
Among the most popular benefits is the exchange of culture, cheap labor, among others. Normally immigrants leave their country to get new job opportunities due to poverty. But that is not always true, since 50% of crime in a country is made sometimes by foreigners. That's why we created the big problem of mistrust and discrimination against immigrants.
Sometime the people don’t think suffering the immigrants and that is why we are treated badly, but all people have rights and all people should respect because is unfair give bad treated to immigrants.

Works Cited:
Advantages and disadvantages of immigration. Retrieved on August 14, 2010 to:

Immigration. Retrieved on August 14, 2010 to:

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Ethnic Conflicts

The oldest and most well-known conflict in the world is Arab - Israeli. These fight from years ago, the wars that took place in those days as the cold war, loss of life and territories. This was the case with the Palestinians; they lost all its territories in consequence of war, which was why the Palestinians began a nomadic life between each boundary of different countries of the Middle East. So begins a new territorial conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. The friction with terrain became bloodier by the new conquerors and residents of the land.
Palestinian had to seek refuge near Israel, which caused a strong discomfort on the part of the Israelites. Although the ONU intervened to reach an agreement, this was impossible because the Israelites did not agree to help the Palestinians, which causes a conflict that is currently in force.
This conflict has brought with it a number of consequences that are truly impressive, as the Palestinians had to flee the Israeli state, now took refuge where they can. In addition there have been many deaths, thousands of orphaned children walk many people do not have to eat, among others. The slaughter that lives in these countries is really incredible.
Another of the major conflicts was the Holocaust. The Holocaust during World War II was organized persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi government and its partners. The Nazis, who seized power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were a "race" and that Jews, deemed "inferior", not worth living. During the Holocaust, the Nazis also had in his sights to other groups because of their perceived "racial inferiority": Gypsies, the handicapped, and some groups Slavs (Poles, Russians, and others). Other groups were persecuted for political reasons, religious or sexual orientation: communists, socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals. This resulted in many deaths of innocent people, because the Germans believed their superiors and president at the time, Hitler wanted to make a different race, where there were just people with light eyes and blond hair

Works Cited:
• Arab-Israeli Conflict. Retrieved on August 1, 2010, to:

• Holocaust. Retrieved on August 1, 2010, to:

Causes of the Poverty

We can define poverty as a way of life that comes as a result of the lack of resources to meet basic human needs such as nutrition education, housing and access to potable water, among others. Actually the poverty is seriously affecting society, because they increase the poor families.
Poverty does not come by itself, this occurs due to many causes. Some are because people don't have studies, also because they have no work and have a large family to maintain. This is a difficult situation because sometimes these people have no money to pay for school children, or to buy food. Even at times have no place to sleep.
Poverty also arises depending on the level of economic development of a country, because if a country has a good level, this will help to strengthen the sources of employment. Also another factor that causes poverty is laziness. Many people want to make a living easily, ie want to make money without having to work hard.
It is important to know that because poverty is given crime, which affects the whole society. For this and other reasons that different countries have plans to reduce this problem. Among the solutions are increasing employment opportunities, scholarship in the schools, colleges and universities, so that poor children can study and have more opportunities.
Finally, this is a global problem that affects everyone, that is why it is right to everyone to help the poor, due that together if we can.

Works Cited:

Poverty (s.f). Retrieved on July 2, 2010, from:

Causes of the poverty (s.f). Retrieved on July 2, 2010, from:

Poverty and human development (s.f). Retrieved on July 2, 2010, from:


There are several reasons why abortion is given, some of them are the result of selfishness on the part of parents, not willing or able to raise a child because they are harmed or implies certain responsibilities wich affect their daily lives and work due to the large amount of money it generates and the time commitment it requires to race a baby.

Other reason such as rape, which are involved in emotional and physical health of the mother may lead to abortion. In that sense, the psychological harm caused by an act like this, makes the mother feel hate for his o her unwanted child as it can bring back memories of the event. Thus justifying its mission, the mother can get rid of a helpless creature.

When a pregnancy may be at high risk for the mother, could be another reason for abortion. There are some systemic conditions in women wich can cause death during pregnancy. A pregnancy as it, produces significant hormonal changes and a condition of a disease risk that can be acquired during marriage, such as Diabetes Mellitus and hypertension, which vary according to age. Add to that a problem that already had, it can happen the death of the mother or both and is preferable to abortion.

In a case such as live in China, abortion in this society is seen as a means of birth control. This practice, according to its culture, helps considerably to decrease the population. The number of people in this country is enormous and effective measure to prevent overcrowding is abortion, which is cruel but in one way or another prevents increase of poverty and population.
There may be thousands of reasons why abortion, as well as thousands of them why not. A quick and easy way to get rid of what some call "problem" which is a selfish and immoral as is abortion.

Although there are reasons for believing in abortion, there are much better solutions are more viable and to prevent it. If the parents do not want a child, for some reason mentioned above, may think of family planning, and today there are many methods to prevent pregnancy. If the case of rape, there are counseling centers in the best or, orphanages and so prevent a crime.

Other causes such as birth control, does not justify a murder of a helpless to control the amount of people in a nation. Planning methods are a solution for this problem, not the abortion. Measures of awareness in society to convey the problems generated by overcrowding. There is no reason for abortion it is better the prevention, planning and ethics. If this is true, the world would save lots of abortions. I do not agree with abortion, and no cause, however important it may seem, one must resort to an act that in the future as evidenced by psychiatric specialists, affects the mother terribly.

Works Cited:

• Abortion (s.f.). Retrieved on July 15, 2010, from:
• Research on abortion (s.f.). Retrieved on July 18, 2010 From
• Consequently to abortion (s.f.). Retrieved on July 18, 2010 From

Weapons of mass destruction

Weapons of mass destruction are weapons that can kill a large number of persons or cause serious damage on each occasion of use. These were designed after World War II, only to be used against large concentrations of civilians. Currently, they are considered weapons of mass destruction as nuclear, biological, and chemical.
These pumps have led to several consequences, which seriously affect the victims. Nuclear bombs caused winds around 1000 km / h and temperatures of around 15 million degrees, so hot as the sun's center. This can cause temporary blindness or permanent depends on how close this before the explosion.
A bomb with a strong radiation causes symptoms such as thirst, nausea, fever, skin spots, then the defenses then become very low, this causes the victim is more susceptible to diseases and infections. The short time causing an acute phase may lead the victim to death.
Biological weapons are bacteria, viruses or toxins, which can be achieved cause epidemics or large-scale poisoning. Chemical weapons also have hydrogen cyanide is a poisonous volatile liquid, which makes people died within minutes.
Another consequence of these pumps is with electromagnetic pulses, it causes irreparable damage to vehicles, infrastructure and equipment of use system and electronic equipment.
These weapons are really dangerous and I think it is unfair to use in wars, because it brings really dangerous consequences as well because they killed many children, young and innocent adults. I think it should not be able to use these, no one deserves to die this way, and it is really cruel.

Works Cited:
Weapons of mass destruction (s.f). Retrieved on July 15, 2010, from:

Weapons (s.f). Retrieved on July 15, 2010, from:

Dangerous of the weapons (s.f). Retrieved on July 15, 2010, from:


Globalization is a technology, social, economic and cultural process that is the growing interdependence among countries in the world by joining societies, markets and cultures, through economic, political and social functions are global in nature. Also worth noting that globalization has produced mainly by the companies they live under democratic capitalism.
Globalization has made that the countries change like a way beneficiary and criticism at the same time, depending on the economic level and its development. Some people, who are in favor of capitalism, see this as a beneficial process for the extension of freedom and capitalism. Similarly those who agree to free trade, see it as a great opportunity because it increases job opportunities, effectively transferred resources to greater benefit of the countries involved in this, producing lower prices and increase the production.
However, globalization not only has good things, entails a number of causes and effects, which can seriously affect a country, as this produces the lure of consumerism that would ruin the economy and the morale of many people. This involves the destruction of productive capacities that are in the hands of small traders, and that would be affected due to the emergence of large supermarket chains that appear in international investment, to compete against them. In addiction there is evidence that the processes of globalization widen the gap between the richest and the poorest. It is important to know that the internal stability of emerging countries is affected by investment decisions of most developed countries.
It is important to mention that through globalization, it causes a loss of cultural identity, as globalization is strongly associated with the spread of values and lifestyles of most developed countries. It also produces the state loses control of the national culture, severely affecting a country.
In conclusion, not all countries have the same advantages over globalization, is why every government must consider whether adapting to globalization, as it brings a number of problems mentioned above.

Works Cited:
Globalization(s.f). Retrieved on July 10, 2010, from:
Consecuences of Globalization(s.f). Retrieved on July 10, 2010, from:
Note: This information also I found in a Discovery Channel program

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is defined as physical aggression, psychological abuse, verbal aggression, unwanted sexual contact, destruction of property, control of money, and social isolation. Normally it is exercised in children, adolescents and, women with whom they live. Some cases of violence creates a kind of emotional dependency by the affected person , thus creating a kind of Stockholm syndrome, which occurs mostly in battered women.
Physical aggression is the most common and obvious, while psychological aggression is detected with greater difficulty, the latter being one of the most terrible. Because it makes that the victims presented a strong trauma, where normally is exceeded only with professional help.
Many organizations have tried to end the problem, but there are still thousands of cases. I think the only solution to end this problem is to improve education, so that we can make that future generations do not exhibit this problem.

Works cited:
• Domestic Violence (s.f) Retrieved on July 1, 2010, from:éstica - 39k

• Domestic Violence Causes (s.f) Retrieved on July 1, 2010, from:

Global Warming

Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon of rising temperatures in Earth's atmosphere and oceans. This issue is bringing with itself a big number of consequences, both for people and for animals and nowadays many people are conscious the harm that our planet suffer and they continue polluting the environment.
Some countries have been concerned about this situation and have taken serious steps to prevent this problem. For example the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, which is an international agreement that aims to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases that cause global warming: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide ( N2O), plus three fluorinated industrial gases: hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
I think one of the solutions to prevent this problem is to encourage a good education for future generations, so that these are adapted to keep the city clean and promote reforestation, because this is the best way to care our planet.
Works cited:

1. “Global Warming” retrieved on June 25, 2010, from:
2. “Global Warming Causes” retrieved on June 25, 2010, from:
3. “Global warming” retrieved on June 25, 2010, from:

Globalization of Diseases

Modern means of transportation take people to travel around the world; they carry diseases moves around the world too. One example is AIDS/HIV. This disease has spread throughout the world. According to the World Health Organizations, “As of 2004, an estimated 1,039,000 to 1,185,000 persons in the United States were living with HIV/AIDS, and an estimated 39.5 million people worldwide are living with HIV West Nile Virus” (“Globalizations and Diseases”).

The Wets Nile virus is another example. Humans can be infected through the bite of an infected mosquito. According to the CDC this virus is, “The most severe type of disease due to a person being infected with West Nile virus is sometimes called “neuroinvasive disease” because it affects a person´s nervous system” what it`s very dangerous. Also this virus was reported in animals like, horses, dogs, cats, bats, chipmunks, skunks, squirrels, and domestic rabbits (wikipedia). The virus has spread throughout many countries becoming part of the Globalization of Diseases.

The current “swine flu” or H1N1 virus is another good example. This disease started in Mexico but faster it spread all around the world. Margaret Chan, the World Health Organization's director-general, declared a "public health emergency of international concern” because there were many cases around the world and each day were increasing. In Addition, this dangerous virus has infected million of people around the word becoming another disease which humanity has to be aware and try to prevent it.

Works cited:

1. “Globalizations and Diseases” Wikipedia October 2005. 18 June. 2010 and disease
2. “West Nile Virus”wikipedia. 18 June. 2010

3. Influeza.wikipedia. 18 June. 2010